This factory is for development and production which continually being done by staffs of the Optical products division.
To keep its clean level high, the production area is isolated from outside by surrounding perimeter walkway that works as double shielding.
Staffs work there changes to clean suit prior to entering into the room through the air shower prevents any dust or dirt to bring in.
First of all, I am going to take you to the coating area.
Primary work in the coating area is coating (deposition).
Setting substrates, as preparation of the deposition is done on the clean bench.( which is a kind of working table ,dust is rejected from its top by clean air flow.)
Seven coating machines installed here are batch type evaporators(doom size ; φ1100、φ1300、φ1800mm) they are suitable for precise multi-layer coatings and the others are continual type evaporators for mass production.
At this process, skills on the preparation of deposition materials and handling of the substrates are required.
We selectively use these machines according with the purpose of products.
The area next to the coating is the area for the inspection.
Also the inspection work at here is done on clean bench as well.
Skillful staffs inspect the products basically one by one.
Specification varies products to products, so the inspection is completed with a wealth of experience.
After the inspection it is also required not to harm the products while returning to the container but quickly.
It is a process not easy to do without the wealth of experience.
In case of handling very fragile materials such as some specific crystals, more carful work is needed.
Visual inspection on some optical fiber surface is under progress.
Since the fiber is as thin as a hair and necessary to find dirt on such narrow area, the inspection is done with a microscope in a dark room. Also the fibers are so fragile that the handling requires extreme care.(clean_check.jpg)
We have following equipment’s for the test of products.
- For optical characteristics measurement(Spectrophotometers U-4000Hitachi、U-4100Hitach、U-3500hitachi、PC-3100 Shimazu、Lens reflection meter Olympus ,Fiber Spectrophotometer Ocean Optics)
- For Environmental test(Heat cycle test chamber, Sunshine Weather meter ,Temperature and Humidity Controlled Test system)
- Thermal test chamber(Scratch tester, Whit step meter DEKTAK)
Next, we take you to the clean section which has higher degree of cleanliness than semi-clean area introduced previously.
Firstly showing you is the washing room, there are 4 washing machines, most suitable one is chosen for the product material and the specification with controlling power and detergent optimized.
The picture shows is a washing machine which has 5 washing tanks.
Introducing lastly is a room for IBS systems. We have 2 identical systems in this room.
Extremely high flatness film can be obtained with IBS (Ion Beam Sputter system).
Due to the performance, for instance, ultra high 99.999% reflectance mirror achieved with several handled layers of thin films.
Articles produced with these systems are mainly provided to universities or laboratories for experimental purposes.
Above mentioned is all the area from the production to the shipping.
We exhibit some products as our achievements to introduce our technology at the entrance of the factory.
At your opportunity to visit on us we will be very happy with your taking look at them.
We declare our production with obeying ISO14001、ISO9001 and no use of environmentally hazardous substances. Also, we are striving complete zero emission activity.
It is our great pleasure for us to expect your inquiry with being well prepared to supply high quality products.